Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Pipe Dream...

One thing I know for sure...Life does NOT turn out the way you expect it to. Sometimes I feel like a two year old, and when life doesn't give me what I want I throw my little tantrum. The great thing about being a grown-up is that after time has past we can look back and see that the path we're on is even better than what we wanted to begin with.

Many of the dreams I had growing up have fallen by the wayside. I had this naive vision of being a young mom straight out of 1950s. Cooking, sewing, crafts, scrapbooking, attending the local bake sales and school fundraisers. But no matter how hard I try, I'm like the two year old trying to force the square block into the round hole, and when it doesn't fit, I throw my little tantrum.

Here is my visual aid :)

Lately, I've started seeing the error of my ways. My life is not what I expected, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy. I'm starting to accept that I am a square block, not round, and I need to find the square hole. I've stared dreaming about my square life.

I want to share just one dream I still hold onto and hope is still part of my square life. I found the floorplan for this house when I was taking interior design in college. I love this house!! Everything about it is just wonderful. I have literally thought and dreamed about this house for going on 10 years now!! I know that in reality I will probably never live in this exact house, but I'm hoping for something similar. So this post is dedicated to dreams. Life may not give us what we expect, but we can still be happy and keep on dreaming.


elshmobelsh said...

I love your house. It's a lot like the floor plan I would always imagine for my dream house too. There is a dream out there waiting for you Heidi. I know it. You are so beautiful to see the square block and readjust accordingly. "Life is what happens while you are making other plans." You are an amazing person and your right, that time will heal your heart. One day the blessings you've been dreaming of will be yours and you are strong enough to get back up again when life knocks you down. I admire you and respect you so much and I'm so honored to be your sis!

Niki McDowell said...

Oh I just love that house. That is just like the house I dream up in my head. It's perfect. If you ever get that dream, I'm coming to visit, or may I still it one day. I just love, love that house!